A semi(sweet)production squad, based in New York City and spearheaded by childhood best friends, Chloé Delaitre and Becca Silbert. From short bits to big stories, we serve up absurdly funny content with unconventional leading ladies.

It all began in the early 2,000s. Chloé and Becca met in a psychedelic barnyard where they attended theatre camp. Chloé had a unibrow back then, and Becca had a lot of polly-pockets. Neither wore shoes.
Both peaked at the ripe age of 8 and have been on a downward slope ever since. This is probably why they’re still friends and now, partners.
Through a series of underwhelming events, Becca and Chloé started making videos together. In 2019 they completed their first creative brainchild, the webseries, One Degree Miss D. Miss D. did her rounds at theatres around the City and across the country, picking up some nominations and a couple of honorable mentions for Best Comedy Short!
In 2024, the team completed their first short film, Love is a Test, in collaboration with actor-producer-writer Emily Catherine Hooper. The piece is currently under consideration at festivals nationally and internationally. Click on the Love is a Test page for more details!
So, what’s next? Stay tuned for more festival updates about our swab-nosing lovers and other freshly juiced ideas (that may or may not be a mockumentary about female exterminators)…
Chloé Delaitre
Chloé is an actress and writer based in New York City. She graduated cum laude from Sarah Lawrence College, concentrating in Literature, Theatre and Psychology. Chloé’s theatrical experience ranges from musicals, straight plays and sketch comedies in both New York and London, working with renown Off-Broadway theatre directors including Lear Debessonet, Jackson Gay, Will Frears, Giovanna Sardelli, Guy Retallack and Tony nominated performer/writer, Alex Gemignani. TV credits include “Girls” (HBO), and the animated pilot “Mothers and Daughters” (Entertainment Weekly) by the New Yorker’s Paul Rudnick. Currently, she spends her days either on-set, in the editing room with Becca, or running around Central Park in a big orange costume or a hazmat suit.
Becca Silbert
Becca is a theatre artist, producer and film-editor. She is a board member for Untitled Theater Company No. 61 and has assistant directed four of their five most recent productions. Becca also assisted directors such as Lileana BlainCruz, Janos Szasz, Jonathan Rosenberg, and Maggie Cino. She was the production manager for two Off-Broadway children’s shows, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2016-2018) and Snowy Day and Other Stories by Ezra Jack Keats (2018-2019) at St. Luke’s Theater in NYC. Becca has interned for NYTW, Daniel Fish and Nature Theatre of Oklahoma.